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Jual Corrosion Analysis Profometer Corrosion murah hub-081384449443

Jual Corrosion Analysis Profometer Corrosion murah hub-081384449443

 Corrosion Analysis Profometer Corrosion

category:    Non destructive testing / Corrosion Analysis

brand:    Proceq

item:    Profometer Corrosion

The Profometer Corrosion is the most versatile corrosion analysis solution in the market based on the half-cell method. Proceq’s unique wheel electrodes allow the fastest and most efficient on-site testing. As direct successor to the Canin, it is compatible with existing Canin and most third party electrodes.

With the flexible concept, the user can upgrade anytime to the Profometer 6 Cover Meter functionalities based on the eddy current principle. This makes the Profometer a future proof all-in-one solution for rebar assessment and corrosion analysis.

The Profometer’s dual-core processor allows fast data acquisition and real time control over the measurement procedure directly on site. Its rugged housing is specially developed for testing in harsh environments.

The high resolution and illustrative Profometer touchscreen enables high productivity with 2D grid views, an assisted worklflow and on-site post processing of the measured data. Together with the included PC software it allows best possible analysis of the statistical data with efficient custom reporting.

 Marga Setia

Pusat Jual Alat Survey Indonesia

Metode Pembayaran  :

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5. Untuk Pemesanan dan Informasi Harga Terbaik, Hubungi :

Marga setia
Alamat : Jalan H.Kelik No.20 RT.03/RW.08 Kelapa Dua
Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat
Marketing : Nandang Kurnia
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