Selamat Datang Di Toko 'Nandang Tehnik' Kami Menjual Alat Survey,Alat Sipil,Alat Leb,GPS Garmin,Sirine,Dll Berbagai Merk, Type dan Accesories.Produk Yang kami Jual Info lebih Lanjut Hubungi Nomer dibawah

call 081384449443 Jual Sirine Lion King LK-SCT

call 081384449443 Jual Sirine Lion King LK-SCT

Sirine Lion King LK-SCT
Jual Sirine Lion King LK-SCT
Small Industrial Motor Alarm is an omnidirectional siren, which are mainly used in Various industrial environments, such as factory buildings, workshops, warehouses, mining industry, etc.
The character of siren list as follow:
1. Power arbitrary choices: (cell or Battery) DC 12 V, 24V, 48V, the exchange of 110 V, 120V, 220V
2. High frequency; 700 Hz - 1700Hz alarm sound very easy to distinguish between noise and the environment, clear, piercing and sharp.
3. Extensive application areas: Automobiles, trains, ships, airports, ports, Crossing platform, silver floor, schools, hospitals, residential areas, shopping centers, warehouses, hotels, military units, factory construction, mining, sluice, and other places.
4. Strong compatibility; With smoke detectors, gas gas sensors, infrared sensors, liquid level sensors, timer, anti-theft alarm system, such as the various-connected sensors can also be used alone, which is different from other alarm signals in the high-frequency sound alarm sound source.
5. Several installation forms: Horizontal, vertical, activities - and vehicle-mounted, fixed, wall-type, embedded.
6. Design: Fashion, unique, innovative, artistic, and easy to integrate into the use of premises, both embellishment and played beautiful scenery.

Toko Marga Setia
Nandang Kurnia
Alamat : Jalan H.Kelik No.20 RT.03/RW.08 Kelapa Dua
Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat
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